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Pine processionary moth

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24 Pages
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Pine processionary moth


The caterpillars (larvae) of the pine processionary moth (PPM) (Thaumetopoea
pityocampa) can threaten the health of pine trees (Pinus species) by feeding on
their needles. Large populations cause extensive defoliation of pine trees, leaving
them vulnerable to attack by other pests and diseases, and less able to withstand
adverse environmental events such as floods and droughts. Timber production and
tree growth can be reduced as a result of attack. The caterpillars are also a significant
public and animal health risk, as they bear toxic hairs which can cause itching skin
rashes, eye and throat irritation and breathing problems. Hence it is important not to
approach or touch the caterpillars, or their nests.

Publisher: - Forest Research - more

Year: - 2016

Authors: - Dr Suzanne Sancisi-Frey, Forest Research

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