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Trees in Anglo-Saxon England

Trees in Anglo-Saxon England

£22.50£24.99 - you save £2.49

Trees played a particularly important part in the rural economy of Anglo-Saxon England, both for wood and timber and as a wood-pasture resource, with hunting gaining a growing cultural role. But they are also powerful icons in many pre-Christian religions, with a degree of tree symbolism found in Christian scripture too. This wide-ranging book explores both the "real", historical and archaeological evidence of trees and woodland, and as they are depicted in Anglo-Saxon literature and legend. Place-name and charter references cast light upon the distribution of particular tree species (mapped here in detail for the first time) and also reflect upon regional character in a period that was fundamental for the evolution of the present landscape.

Paperback. 322pp. 24.4 x 17.2

ISBN: 9781843838296

Publisher: - Boydell Press - more

Code: - ISBN: 9781843838296

Year: - 2013

Authors: - Della Hooke

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