An independent assessment, commissioned by the Forestry Commission to examine the potential of the UK's trees and woodlands to mitigate and adapt to our changing climate. The report illustrates the threat of climate change on Britain's forests; the current impact on our trees and woodland; and the adjustments Britain can make to deal with our changing environment.
The report discusses:
•the government's commitment to reducing Britain's carbon emissions;
•how both society and industry could adapt to the effects of climate change and global warming; and
•the ongoing development of sustainable resources.
Compiled by a number of leading scientists co-ordinated by an independent steering group of forestry and climate change experts from the UK and overseas.
240pp, Paperback, A4 Size.
Publisher: - The Stationery Office (TSO) - more
Code: - ISBN: 9780114973513
Year: - 2009
Authors: - Forestry Commission