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Modern Arboriculture

Modern Arboriculture

£69.95£72.00 - you save £2.05

Shigo and Trees Associates. 1991. 424pp, diagrams on almost every page. Shigo himself tells us what the book is about: "New and better ways to help trees stay healthy, safe and attractive."; "The tree system - how it grows, how it defends itself, and how it eventually dies."; "Using your mind as well as your muscles." The form of the book is a succession of numbered topics, with explanations and illustrative diagrams.

ISBN 10: 0943563097

  • page extent: 423
  • Black and white with black and white drawings throughout
  • size: 237 x 160 mm
  • Publisher: - Shigo and Trees Associates - more

    Code: - ISBN: 9780943563091

    Year: - 2008 reprint

    Authors: - Shigo, A.

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